Monday, 10 December 2007

Friday, 7 December 2007

Well Done

Hey guys, just to echo dan's words, well done.
we all worked really hard, and i think we all done really well.

ill put on final screenshots etc. tmrw..

Thursday, 6 December 2007


Well done guys, we all worked really hard, and I really enjoyed working with you all.

Wack on any remaining work onto the blog, just so we have it as a reference at a later date.


The final map

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Layout ideas for presentation boards, with the images flush across the bottom of the grid and the copy at the top under the title. This leaves a big amount of white space, therefore creating our letterbox shape used throughout our project. Let me know your thoughts?!

Student bin, myspace

landscape/ final outline for site map

links and sound

ive just added the final links and sounds to the site, so we're nearly there..

links and sound

ive just added the final links and sounds to the site, so we're nearly there..

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Site map

draft for our presentation board

idea's for presentation boards

Ideas for presentation boards

Here are different ways others have presented their work. We should keep to the same style as the rest of the site.
i.e. photos of pavement and rubbish/ paper.

Monday, 3 December 2007

A couple ideas for the presentation boards.
Remember Jon's lecture on the DVD menus, how the best ones fitted into context of what the film was about. Well I was thinking that as our main point behind the website is about the population and 'immigration' of bins, we could lay out our presentation boards like a Census form, or an immigration card. What you guys think?

Just whacking on some of my sketches for grids

Sunday, 2 December 2007

The two bin watercolours

illustration ideas

general notification

dan and i took the stop-frame photos yesterday, and i've looked at them on-screen and put them together and i reckon they look okay.

all we need now is the other pages (HISTORY, STATISTICS, CONTENTS), and we'll take those photos tomorrow, and start making the site tomorrow.

we also need to do sound effects, so while two of us are building the site, the other two can do the sounds..

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Zoomed in map